
Garden Rose Music--Lyrics for "The Angel Gabriel"

Garden Rose Music

Words by Mary Rose Jensen

The angel Gabriel was sent by God
To Mary in a town in Galilee.
He greeted her and said, “The Lord is with you now.
You are the highly favored one.” Gloria!

But Mary wondered what his words could mean.
The angel told her “Do not be afraid.
You will conceive and bear a son named Jesus.
You are the highly favored one.” Gloria!

“He will be great and will be called the Son
Of God most high and sit on David’s throne.
His rule of Jacob’s house and kingdom will not end.
You are the highly favored one.” Gloria!

Then Mary, as a virgin, wondered, “How?”
He said, “All things are possible with God
As God the Holy Spirit overshadows you
You are the highly favored one.” Gloria!

Then Mary said, “Behold, I serve the Lord.
So let it be according to your word.”
The angel then departed and we say with him,
“You are the highly favored one.” Gloria!

Words © 2007 Garden Rose Music
P.O. Box 16040 Sugar Land, TX 77496
800 746-4474
Tune: GABRIEL’S MESSAGE Traditional Basque Carol, Arr. MRJ
CCLI # 5098703

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