
Garden Rose Music--Lyrics for "You Renew Your Love and Mercy "

Garden Rose Music

Through the LORD'S mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22,23

Words by Mary Rose Jensen

In the mystery of sorrow, when the pain is like a knife,
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.
Though I do not understand Your Providential Hand in life,
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.
Lord, I cast my cares on You, for I believe Your word is true.
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.

When the deepest, flooding waters cause my soul to fear at night,
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.
Though the circumstances try me, I will trust Your rule is right.
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.
Lord, I cast my cares on You, for I believe Your word is true.
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.

As the martyrs for the gospel know before their death is done,
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.
Though they seem to be defeated, in reality they've won.
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.
Lord, I cast my cares on You, for I believe Your word is true.
You renew Your love and mercy every morning.

Words © 2000 Garden Rose Music
P.O. Box 16040 Sugar Land, TX 77496
800 746-4474
Tune: MORNING TRUMPET, Benjamin F. White, American camp meeting song
CCLI # 3600564

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