
Garden Rose Music--Lyrics for "The Ten Commandments"  

Garden Rose Music

...How blessed is the man
who fears the Lord,
Who greatly delights in
His commandments.
Psalm 112:1

Words and Music by Mary Rose Jensen

Listen now to wisdom's way -
      the guide God gives His own.
Do not love another god, but worship God alone.
Do not make an idol that is carved from wood or stone.
Do not take God's name in vain, but make His glories known.

Set apart the Sabbath day to worship God and rest.
Honor parents with respect and God will surely bless.
Do not murder - do not take the breath of life God gives.
Let no unclean thought or act corrupt the way you live.

Do not steal - you have no right to what another owns.
Do not hurt someone with lies, but speak the truth alone.
Do not covet things or blessings other people hold.
Be content with what God gives. Love wisdom more than gold.

Words and music ©1991
Garden Rose Music
P.O. Box 16040 Sugar Land, TX 77496
800 746-4474
CCLI # 4072627

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